USE WORLD; SHOW TABLES; SELECT * FROM COUNTRY; SELECT * FROM CITY; SELECT * FROM COUNTRYLANGUAGE; SELECT NAME AS "PAÍS", CONTINENT AS "CONTINENTE", REGION AS "REGIÃO" FROM COUNTRY; SELECT NAME AS "PAÍS", INDEPYEAR AS "ANO INDEPENDÊNCIA", LIFEEXPECTANCY AS "EXPECT DE VIDA" FROM COUNTRY; select as "país", as "cidade" from country inner join city on countrycode = code; select name, language, isofficial from country inner join countrylanguage on countrycode = code; select name, language, isofficial from country inner join countrylanguage on countrycode = code where isofficial = "F"; select name, lifeexpectancy from country where lifeexpectancy between 60 and 65; select name, lifeexpectancy from country where lifeexpectancy >= 60 and lifeexpectancy <= 65; select name, continent from country where continent = "north america" or continent = "south america"; select name, continent from country where continent like "%america%"; select name, continent from country where continent not like "%america%"; select name from country where name like "__A%"; /* 1) exibir o nome do país, o continente e populacao dos países com mais de 150 milhões de habitantes 2) exibir o nome do país e os seus idiomas não oficiais 3) exibir o país, a região e expectativa de vida dos países com expectativa de vida inferior a 50 anos 4) exibir o nome do país, nome da cidade e distrito somente dos países asiáticos */