use world; show tables; select * from country; select * from city; select * from countrylanguage; -- COMANDOS DQL (DATA QUERY LANGUAGE) select continent, name from country order by name desc; select continent, name, population from country where population >= 100000000; select continent, name, population from country where population between 200000000 and 300000000; select continent, name, population from country where population >= 200000000 and population <= 300000000; select continent, name from country where continent = "europe"; select name from country where name like "l%"; select name from country where name like "_e%l"; select continent, name from country where continent = 'south america'; select continent, name, indepyear from country where indepyear is not null; -- funções de agrupamento -- -- count(), sum(), max(), min(), avg() select count(*) from country; select continent, count(*) from country group by continent; select continent, count(*) from country where lifeexpectancy >= 75 group by continent; select language, count(*) from countrylanguage where language = 'portuguese' and isofficial = "t" group by language; select sum(population) from country; select continent, sum(population) from country group by continent; INSTRUÇÕES PARA ENTREGA - copiar os exercícios da lista para o MySQL Workbench - escrever o código sql abaixo do enunciado - após terminar, salvar o arquivo com o seu nome.sql - enviar pelo MS-TEAMS